Below are some of the popular brands of "meatless" and vegetarian food products that may be found in your local grocery store or online. Click on the icon to visit the website for more information.
Pastor's Contact Info:
(m) 502.468.4968
Church Address:
1275 East Jordan Street
Pensacola, FL 32503
(p) 850.432.4610
(f) 850.432.4607
Prayer Line & Conf Calls:
6 AM
Dial 605.475.5900
Enter Pin 599266
(Must dial from a cell phone)
Wednesday Services:
Prayer Meeting - 6:30 PM
Sabbath Services:
Early Sabbath Service - 9:30 AM
Lesson Study - 9:45 AM
Divine Worship - 11:00 AM
AYS - One hour before sunset (or as announced)